Sunday, December 9, 2018


I love being deep into the wild.  It is so quiet.  I can sit beside a lake, look at a mountain and just listen to the sounds of nature.  Mostly it is quiet, but sometimes there are birds, other people or maybe just the wind blowing.

As I have been training for the climb on Mt. Kilimanjaro in just a few weeks, I have had a lot of time to listen.  Throughout the bible, God is regularly calling on His people to listen to Him.  Just do a search on an app or in the concordance for "listen" and see the results.  For example, Isaiah 46:12 says "Listen to Me, you stubborn-hearted, who are far from righteousness."  Unfortunately, you will see in a lot of these calls to listen that the people did not do so.  2 Chronicles 33:10 - "And the Lord spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they would not listen."  Can you imagine God speaking and just not listening to Him?

Oddly enough, it happens all the time.  Even in the silence of the wilderness, God wants to speak to us and the sound of silence can drown Him out.  The busyness of every day life can take our attention away from God's voice.   But there is an answer.  Psalm 46:10 says "Be still and know that I am God".

There is also the other voice that has been talking as well.  It is the voice of the liar, the accuser and the one who wants to destroy.  It is the voice that says "you will never make it" and "nobody cares what you are doing" and other similar discouragements.  Why is it so easy to hear and believe those destroying words, but not the loving words of God who wants to bring life and joy? 

As I said, I've had a lot of time to listen in the miles on the trail or the hours of training in gym.  I combat the words of destruction with prayer and recalling God's word.  While doubt creeps in, I trust in the One who loves me and gave me new life.  The climb is just a climb and the project is just a project.  But God is forever and He is calling me to listen to Him.  It seems that God has used this time to fill my heart with prayer and with His word.  What I've heard is that His call is not to the mountain, but to Him.  We are no closer to God at 19,000' than we are at sea level.

My encouragement  to anybody sharing this experience with me is to take time on whatever journey you are on to take time to LISTEN to God along the way.  Don't get so focused on the destination that you miss the journey and the voice of God who is whispering (or shouting in some cases) to you.  Recognize that the other voice is a lie and seeks your destruction as the image-bearer of God - just as he did when he asked Eve in the garden of Eden "Did God really say...".  Hold fast in the truth and promises of God even on the most challenging journeys you face in life - that is what I am holding on to!